Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hour 2

End of Hour 2:

Title of book(s) read since last update: The Meanest Doll in the World
Number of books read since you started: 0
Pages read since last update: 40 pages
Running total of pages read since you started: 60 pages
Amount of time spent reading since last update: 31 minutes
Running total of time spent reading since you started: 44 minutes
Mini challenges completed:
Other participants you've visited: none yet
Prizes you've won: none

End of Hour 1:

Title of book(s) read since last update: The Meanest Doll in the World - Ann M. Martin & Laura Godwin
Number of books read since you started: 0
Pages read since last update: 20 pages
Running total of pages read since you started: 20 pages
Amount of time spent reading since last update: 13 minutes
Running total of time spent reading since you started: (keep track of this one to be eligible for a prize!) 13 minutes
Mini-challenges completed: Hour 1 meme, The Kick Off of Champions
Other participants you’ve visited: none yet
Prizes you’ve won:

The Kick Off of Champions
Miss Remmers' is hosting the Kick Off of Champions. She would like to know what we have surrounded ourselves with for the early hours of the challenge besides books!

I'm going to be spending most of the read-a-thon at my computer desk - I read a little, blog a little, surf the blogs a little so it makes sense to stay put here rather than jumping up and down constantly. On my computer desk I have my big jug of plain water, a Sobe Lifewater, an extra-large iced coffee (gotta have it to get my blood working this early in the morning), a stack of index cards which I use as bookmarks during the readathon so I can jot down notes, pages read, length of time reading to make it easier to update the blog and of course a drawer of junk food to munch on.

Thanks for a great challenge idea!


Anonymous said...

Traditional read-a-thon blessing:

May the bookshelf be there to greet you.
May all the books appeal.
May the fridge be full of tasty snacks;
the words fall soft upon your eyes and until the read-a-thon ends,
may you always hold a book in the palm of your hand.

Good luck today!

Nise' said...

You are off to a great start. I stay put in mostly one place as well.