Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hour 9 4p-5p

Nicole at Linus's Blanket has posted the Feed Me Seymour! mini-challenge, so here is my entry. Or should that be entree'? :-D

The book I am currently reading is On Strike for Christmas by Sheila Roberts.

Still, a woman only got to eat pumpkin pie once a year. And now that she was Menopause Mama, coping with hot flashes and mood swings, she ought to be allowed a few small pleasures. Anyway, she didn't look all that bad naked. So that meant it had to be the clothes that were making her look fat. Note to self: Find some non-bulky winter sweaters.

She picked up the plate again. "One more bite for the road," she decided and forked up another mouthful.

"Why not?" Lonnie agreed. "You've got a designated driver."

The designated driver gave his wife another pleading look.

Joy took one last quick bite. Rushing through pumpkin pie-it was a crime. She set down the plate, then brushed past Bob and went downstairs to the split-level's lower floor, dubbed the party room.

Title of book(s) read since last update: On Strike for Christmas
Number of books read since you started: 3
Pages read since last update: 28
Running total of pages read since you started: 218 & 319 Kindle segments
Amount of time spent reading since last update: 30 minutes
Running total of time spent reading since you started: 3 hours & 40 minutes
Mini-challenges completed: Feed Me Seymour!
Other participants you’ve visited: Nicole @ Linus's Blanket
Books finished: Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great, L.T.'s Theory of Pets

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved L.T.'s Theory of Pets except I listened to it via audiobook. Keep up the great work!