Title of book(s) read since last update: Murder for Halloween & Are You There, Vodka?
Number of books read since you started: still working on same
Pages read since last update: 19 & 31
Running total of pages read since you started: 166
Amount of time spent reading since last update: 27 minutes & 32 minutes
Running total of time spent reading since you started: (keep track of this one to be eligible for a prize!) 208 minutes
Mini-challenges completed: None these hours
Other participants you’ve visited: None these hours
Prize you’ve won: None
Well, I thought I would try reading for two hours without a break to blog to see if that would help get more reading in. I think I was on the right track until my Mom called and kept me on the phone for 20 minutes. Grrr!
I am almost finished with Are You There, Vodka? I am really enjoying it. Chelsea Handler is one funny woman. Some of the things she writes about are pretty shocking, I agree, but there are also some moments that make me laugh out loud. I'm definitely going to try out her other book one of these days.
I'll be back in two hours probably (unless I come back sooner). I'm going to finish up Chelsea and then see what else I can get into. I really really wanted to read 500 pages this time. I don't know if it's possible, but I am sure going to try!
Season of the Witch
*October 1, 2015 – October 31, 2015*
One of my most favorite times of year is just around the corner. The month
of all things scary...October (and my bi...
9 years ago
You'll be able to get to 500 pages - you're almost halfway there! Keep up the good work!
You're doing great! Keep it up!!
You're doing great don't be too hard on yourself. I love her on Girl's Behaving Badly. Funny show.
I think I would like Are You There, Vodka? Also the Nora Ephron book.
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